Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Estrellas del Verano

La primera estrella del verano es Antoine Dodson, un joven de Huntsville (Alabama), que defendió a su hermana cuando un extraño entró en su habitación para violarla. Por supuesto, Antoine acudió de inmediato a los gritos de su hermana para sacudir y echar al agresor.

Naturalmente, más tarde, se acercaron los primeros medios de comunicación para cubrir la noticia, donde entrevistaron tanto a Kelly Dodson como al héroe.

Hasta aquí todo hubiera sido normal si no fuese por la manera de Antoine de relatar los hechos:

La respuesta no se hizo esperar en internet y tan solo un día después ya salieron los primeros “montajes” de la entrevista. Uno de ellos se trata de una canción con las declaraciones de Antoine Dodson que rápidamente se convirtió en el número uno de descargas en Itunes e incluso alcanzó el número 89 en la lista Billboard de Estados Unidos!!

Increíble como Internet puede cambiar la vida de un joven de un día para otro, literalmente.

Lo anterior se podría calificar como lo nunca visto si no hubiese sido por el caso de Paul, también de Estados Unidos, el cual se levantó un día para descubrir un arco iris doble delante de su “jardín” en Yosemite Park. El video del momento es impagable:

Pero la canción posterior es brutal:

Frases como “What does it mean?”, “full on”, “run and tell that, homeboy”, “you are really dumb, for real”, se han convertido en iconos de este verano.

Por supuesto, en ambos casos se han comercializado las canciones en Itunes y se venden incluso camisetas.

Todo un negocio para,… ¿ellos?

डविड परेज़

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

The Problem with Money

There are serious problems with money, and if you don't know the main one, try doing without it for a while.

Things don't happen until money gives its permission.

These problems exist because of a simple misconception deeply embedded in the way money is taken to exist.

The origins lie in barter, when items of comparable value were exchanged, one for another. Nobody gave up something of value without getting value.

Next step was to coining precious metals to stabilise peoples' dealing, and that too is still in effect barter.

The problem began when political powers gradually precious metal contents, and stamped coins from base metals, declaring their value to lie in the fact that they were issued by, and acceptable to, authority.

And the form has become progressively more abstract, from coins to notes, notes to cheques, cheques to plastic, and plastic to the electronic.

So, Money is merely a promise, a ticket that provides its carrier with the expectation of something real.

But yet it still is thought of as real - by economists and bankers, by adults and children. We think it real, because of our experience that it's scarce, that only so much of it exists. It has at least that attribute of reality.

Money is the nothing you get for something so that you can get something else, therefore Money only works if it moves.

So, money, as we know nowadays, is NOT a function of any design, nobody planned it this way, nobody even thought about it that much at all, it JUST HAPPENED.

Not everybody have money.

That's the first of the evident failures of conventional money; it leaves things undone that need doing.
Why can't it exist where and when it is needed?

The second failure is probably more dangerous; it gets things done that shouldn't be done.

The pattern of everyday social actions derives from the ways in which money flows through the community. The consequence of these conditions is a economic context in which strategies of competition dominate.

And money is short so everyone competes for what little there is, then you too have to compete to get what you need, you have to compete to live.

People don't respond well to such pressures. This way of working is NOT in any sense an efficient use of human or economic resources.

And if to maintain this pressure it is necessary that large numbers of our community are kept idle, unvalued and alienated, then surely there is something fundamentally wrong about the whole arrangement.

Within that context, there is virtually nothing that can be done to change matters.

While we only use the old familiar conventional money, there are no real alternatives. The way the game is played is written in the rules.

The world we have made as a result of the level of thinking we have done so far creates problems that we cannot solve at the same level we created them at, or what is the same, the tools that broke it, won't fix it.

The good news is this, that when you see what the problem is, you also see that it's really no problem at all.

Source: The Money Problem

डविड परेज़

Monday, July 12, 2010

Espanya! Tots junts per un objectiu!! (versió MUNDIAL!!)

"¡Podemooos!, ¡Podemooos!, ¡Podemoooooss! ¡Sííííííííííííííí!"

Así empezaba el post de Julio 2008 cuando España ganaba la Eurocopa 2008 jugando brillantemente y "aplastando" a todos los rivales que se cruzaban por el camino.

Quien iba a pensar que la frase con la que se cerraba dicho post "Ahora a por el Mundial 2010 :P!!!" se iba a hacer realidad.

En este Mundial se ha sufrido mucho más! Se empezó con derrota ante Suiza y aluvión de críticas, se vivieron partidos intensos para lograr la clasificación, se vivieron momentos agónicos en las tres eliminatorias posteriores... especialmente contra Alemania... Y se sufrió indignación ante el juego duro de Holanda que no se penalizaba por parte del trío arbitral... pero ante toda adversidad, esta vez sí, este año era el año de España y de los mejores jugadores del mundo y de la historia.

Cada uno tuvo su momento; los golazos de Villa, los partidazos de Busquets, el gol de Puyol ante Alemania, las paradas de Iker (especialmente en la final) y el golazo de Iniesta a 3 minutos del final para dar la victoria a España y desatar la euforia de toda la afición.

Lo que era impensable se ha hecho realidad, como en las camisetas de celebración de la victoria, "Impossible is nothing". Esta generación de futbolistas ha tocado el cielo, Felicidades!!! Y Gracias!! :D

Vivimos un momento único e irrepetible! A DISFRUTAR!!!!

Cuatro: "¡Podemos!"

Carlos Martinez: "Campeones, porque prevalece el grupo por encima del individualismo"

Angels Barceló: "Te guste o no el futbol, quien no se emocione con esta victoria es que no está vivo"

Sara Carbonero: "No pasa nada, vamos a hablar de cómo ha ido el partido"
Iker Casillas: "No, no,..." (jeje)

Xavi Hernandez: "Ya nos toca, el futbol español se lo merece"

Adidas: "Impossible is nothing"

Adidas: "Todo equipo necesita unidad"

Todo el mundo: "Es un conjunto, un grupo de amigos. Gente normal con un mismo objetivo"

Todo el mundo: "Esto solo se vive una vez en la vida"

डविड परेज़

Sunday, December 27, 2009


"I'm trying to pull myself away
I'm caught in a pattern
and I can't escape
Just trying to pull myself away"

Trying to Pull Myself Away by Glen Hansard

"Take this sinking boat
and point it home
We've still got time

Raise your hopeful voice
You had the choice,
you've made it now

Falling slowly,
sing your melody
I'll sing along..."

Falling Slowly by Glen Hansard and Markéta Irglová

This is a good way to end the year!!! ;)

डविड परेज़

Istanbul, the real treasure chest for history

You need hundreds of lives to learn the whole history of Istanbul.

This is my four-day taste:

दविड़ परेज़

Monday, October 05, 2009

Dios, ayúdame en todo lo que puedas.

Quiero aprender.....

A ser fuerte sin ser rudo,
Ser amable sin ser débil,
Aprender con orgullo sin arrogancia,
Aprender a ser gentil sin ser suave.
Ser humilde sin ser tímido,
Ser valioso sin ser agresivo,
Ser agradecido sin ser servil,
Meditar sin ser flojo.

Por eso señor te pido....

Dame grandeza para entender,
Capacidad para retener,
Método y Facultad para aprender,
Sutileza para interpretar,
Gracia y abundancia para hablar.
Dame acierto al empezar,
Dirección al progresar
Y perfección al acabar.

Autor desconocido

डेविड परेज़

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Coldplay - 4th September 2009

Aquest divendres 4 de Setembre es va celebrar el tan esperat concert de Coldplay a l'Estadi Olímpic de Barcelona, i la veritat és que va ser genial!

Davant de la gentada que s'esperava, uns 65.000 espectadors, i de l'amenaça de pluja, al final tot va sortir rodó, disfrutan del concert a segona línia i amb un temps que va aguantar durant tot l'espectacle.

Això ens va permetre gaudir del concert al 100% i obtenir aquestes instantànies i videos que ara vull compartir amb vosaltres.

No puc començar per un altre video que no sigui el de la canço FIX YOU.

"No hace falta decir nada más", no? jeje

Cantar i ballar la cançó juntament amb tot l'estadi mentre en Chris Martin es posa a correr per l'escenari, és una cosa que no té preu.

"Lights will guide you home,
and ignite your bones,
I will try to fix you"

Un altre punt àlgid de la nit va ser la cançó "Lovers in Japan" on tota la Platea es va veure sorpresa per una pluja de papallones molt aconseguida. Un moment molt especial...

Ooohhh! My God!!!

Aquestes són algunes de les fotos que vam poder fer durant el concert, tot i que preferia gaudir de la música que "perdre" el temps intentant capturar imatges que igualment no oblidaré mai.

Per suposat, no va faltar el Viva la Vida on l'estadi va estar cantant durant una bona estona els corus èpics de la cançó, mentre en Chris Martin queia a la exhaust, recuperant forces per donar entrada a la cançó Lost. No us perdeu la segona part del video Viva la Vida.

El concert va acabar amb la cançó The Scientist i Life in Technicolor II, que ens va deixar un molt bon gust de boca, almenys molt animats, per acabar la vetllada que, tot i que es va fer molt curta, va ser apassionant.

I'm going back to the start...

Now my feet won't touch the ground!!!

Per suposat, amb menció especial, no podia faltar la fantàstica versió de Yellow, una mica més "canyera" que l'original, on l'estadi es va tenyir totalment de groc.

"Look at the stars,
look how they shine for you..."

En resum, un concert espectacular, que es va fer molt curt :(, però que espero repetir molt aviat.

Coldplay - Best Band Ever

डेविड परेज़

Friday, September 04, 2009

China Preview


Antes de colgar las fotos de nuestro viaje a China os pondre un aperitivo, así vais haciendo boca.

Hay que reconocer que la canción es original y muy pegadiza, jeje.

Próximamente nuevo post con las fotos.

डेविड परेज़

Sunday, October 05, 2008

India 2008

India was very different than we expected. Although it is a poor country, we found happiness, beauty and very kind people. It is a colorful country with an interesting history, cultures and religions. We could only visit one of the 28 regions, Rajasthan (which I guess it is one of the richest regions), plus New Delhi and Agra (Uttar Predesh). The main itinerary was:

New Delhi - Mandawa - Bikaner - Jaisalmer - Jodhpur - Ranakpur - Judaipur - Pushkar - Ajmer - Jaipur - Agra - New Delhi (and some other little stops in other cities)

We visited a lot of forts and temples and we learned a little bit about their languages, cultures and religions. I wish I could post one day all my new knowledge about India:

  • The peculiarities of their religions are quite interesting. Very different religions (hinduism, islam, jainism, buddhism, etc.) coexisting together in a same society. Many different gods; Allāh, Ganesh, Hanuman, Krishna, or even no gods. Many different doctrines, points, philosophies, symbolisms, etc. Beliefs that don't leave you indifferent. I was impressed by Jainism religion, I liked it :P.
  • Culture: It is incredible how there are still concerted marriages among people of the same caste, so you don't know your wife/husband until the day of your wedding (bad luck if you don't like her/him), or to be obliged to work in a certain area because of the caste you belong to.
  • And it is always fun to learn a new language and to try to speak it to local people, just to see if they are able to understand you. It is an universal truth that if you try to speak in their language, they will look at you with different eyes, they will probably smile and be more kind to you :D.
In short, too many things I wish I never forget ... We are lucky we have some pictures to remember them all :P:

However it was a fantastic trip, we also found some other things not so nice to see:
  • Traffic is one of the most shocking things in India. It is totally uncontrolled, nobody respects anything, there are a lot of accidents and the drivers blow the horn all the time (just to try to avoid them). Paradoxically they respect the 80km/h speed limit in motorways (Thanks GOD!!! :D).
  • Cleaning: All the cities are completely dirty, there are no bins and sewers are normally air-opened. It would be "easy" to put some bins in the street and to offer a dumpster service just to clean the streets a little bit. I think the cost would not be very high. The real problem is to try to get people to use them.

As I have said before, I think we have been in one of the richest regions of the India, so I guess the country has some other bigger problems than traffic and cleaning.

"I had no shoes and complained, until I met a man who had no feet".
Indian Proverb

डेविड परेज़

India 2008 - Some little videos

The trip to India gave us time to visit a lot of cities, forts, temples and to live many experiences difficult to capture in little domestic videos. Anyway, we think it was worth it to try ;P.

Enjoy them:

Crazy Motorways

Camel Safari

Jagdish Temple at night

Monkeys Temple


Ranakpur Lake

Last day of the trip :(

डेविड परेज़