Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Experience it again!

"Pasar el verano como siempre o pasarlo como nunca"
Senegal 2007

Friday, December 07, 2007

Learning seriously affects your brain...

More Memories:

(video moved due to copyright reasons)

Erasmus doesn't need more comments...

दाविद परेज़

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

A video which bring me Old Memories

Pues sí, ya hace más de 2 años de todo aquello, pero aun recuerdo los buenos (inmejorables) momentos que pasé allí.

Empezó siendo un poco durillo pero a medida que pasaban los años me lo iba pasando mejor y mejor, hasta que se convirtió en un festival!!

Especial mención tienen los 6 meses del proyecto de final de carrera, en aquella sala de la que nunca salíamos jeje, las partidas de Counter Strike en la Pecera!!!, con casi 30 personas gritando y metiendo “cholazos” (también llamados me cagontuputamadre, coñero de mierda, límpiate el culo y luego hablamos, cheto) maldiciendo a los putos camperos. Las fiestas y quehaceres en el piso de estudiantes, toda una experiencia…;P. La playa y todo lo que eso implica. Y en lo que a educación se refiere, que es de lo que se trataba, destacar el plan de estudios basado en proyectos y evaluación continuada (que no nos dejaba respirar y que nos dejó sin más de un puente) y los buenos profesores que teníamos, con los que se podia mantener una relación casi amigable, donde te conocían por tu nombre y no por un código o perfil. Algunos estaban allí full-time,... menuda dedicación. Podría aún nombrar a unos cuantos,... me parecieron realmente buenos.

Ahora el Campus de Castelldefels ha cambiado bastante. En mi última época se empezó a ofertar aeronáutica y, ya al final, agronomía. Además, muchas empresas se adhirieron al parque, por lo que el crecimiento del campus fue espectacular.

Dos años después, espero que la EPSC (Escuela Politécnica Superior de Castelldefels) siga en tan buena forma como antes (o mejor) y que conserve ese buen ambiente que se respiraba por los pasillos.

Un día me volveré a pasar por allí, para recordar viejos tiempos.

दाविद परेज़

Sunday, December 02, 2007

The end of the story,... again.

Always the same story,... Always the same mistakes... Is that my fault? Is that lack of luck?

"It's raining again tonight, the end of the last side.
Things seems work fine, until they get broken.
One week less, one person as well.
Cold moon above me, sand's burying my toes.
I can't believe is happening again.

Too many thoughts running to nowhere,
After all, I did it well,
Or may be I don't see where I failed,
always the same,
There is not a correct way,
but a way with less mistakes.

Very tired...
not seeing the end.
Should I stop to fight?
Or fight it harder?
Nice, Deception point,
too many times,
doesn't make it worthy,
hurts like hell.

So, there you were.
Me, staring at you,
so close and so far at the same time.
Was it an illusion?
Seems like you meant it.
There is no chance.
It has been again, the same mistake."

दाविद परेज़

P.D.: Really, I can't believe it. It splashed in my face. I don't believe in your words. If they were true, I wouldn't suffer so much. Deserved it or not, nloaeima.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Post Remember

"Sangre y Arte.

Es curioso lo de Van Gogh.

Muchas veces arte y "locura" van cogidos de la misma mano. "Locura" entre comillas porque lo que para algunos es locura para los autores y/o artistas era la realidad y para los entendidos es arte. Ejemplos de esta paradoja son Gaudí o Van Gogh.

Van Gogh fue un hombre peculiar, centremosnos en una de sus obras maestras: Los Girasoles. Si usted ha ido al National Gallery de Londres habrá podido observar la belleza de éste cuadro, o simplemente lo habrá visto y habrá pensado que no es para tanto, pero si despues escucha algunas de las historias relacionadas con dicho cuadro tal vez pueda arrepentirse de no haberse fijado más en él.

Leyendas urbanas o no, "Los Girasoles" de Van Gogh esta muy valorado entre otras cosas por estar casi totalemente pintado con el color amarillo o matices de este। Se dice que el autor era pobre, tanto que ni si quiere podia comprarse el material adeucada para pintar lo que él deseaba। Así intento pintar los girasoles sólo con dicho color. Los rumores apuntan que las tonalidades que se pueden observar en el cuadro, compuesto por amarillos, naranjas o incluso rojos los consiguió mezclando su propia sangre con el color amarillo y así conseguir dotar al cuadro de vida, "calurosa vida". Aunque también se puede observar algunas pinceladas verdes. Bueno, total, que si quereis clonar a Van gogh ya sabeis donde encontrarlo.

Ahora lo mejor es que te acerques a un amigo y empieces a contarle todo esto y así te das de entendido. Lo más probable es que el amigo, que estuvo en Alemania de vacaciones el verano pasado, se ría de ti y te empieze a contar que los girasoles de Van gogh estan en Munich y que por lo tanto te han engañado como un tonto. Pues ni uno ni otro, ya que resulta que el artista pintó un montón de cuadros más o menos iguales y que además cada uno esta en una parte del mundo. Así que mejor que olvideis el tema ya que en la originalidad esta el interes y si ese cuadro esta tan repetido ya pierde la gracia. O sea que mirais un poco la siguiente pagina para comprobar que efectivamente los dos sois unos pardillos, y olvidais el tema y hasta otra discusión.

Por cierto, un servidor estuvo en el National Gallery de Londres y os puede asegurar que son muy bonitos, aunque en el misterio (de como se pinto, cuando y porque tantas copias) reside el interes. Como en la Mona Lisa vaya."

Publicado en

11 de Abril del 2005

दाविद परेज़

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

What else is there?

Röyksopp: "It can be found in the Norwegian dictionary and has multiple meanings. One of them is a little fungus, which in English is called "puffball" – a little fungus that when you step on it bursts into a cloud of spores. And also, there is the meaning of the mushroom cloud that appears after the explosion of a nuclear bomb. The most important thing is that it’s a word that is not really common in Norwegian language, and we just thought it would be perfect for a band name because it’s so very much out of place.", Röyksopp Interview in Barcode.

Torbjörn Brundtland and Svein Berge are the components of Röyksopp, an electronic funkster band from Norway.

They became famous in 2001 with their first album Melody A.M. which 1.000.000 copies were sold worldwide, 500.000 of them in UK. Svein was only 17 years old, Torbjörn was 18.

In July 2005 was released the album "The Understanding" which contains the best song (in my opinion) of Röyksopp, What else is there. Fronted by Karin Dreijer from the Knife, it evokes an eerie Kate Bush meets Björk coupling, a gradual epic sweep redolent of John Carpenter giving way to a high octane rush.

In resume, a piece of art.

Enjoy it ;)

The model of the video is Marianne Schröder (quite beautiful) and the girl that eats the apple is Karin Dreijer herself.

Sure Karin Dreijer and The Knife will have a post in this blog soon ;).
Keep in touch.

दाविद परेज़

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Think'bout it

"What gets us into trouble is not what we don't know...
It's what we know for sure that just ain't so"
Mark Twain

"The one who does not remember
history is bound to live through it again"
George Santayana

La segunda frase va especialmente dirigida a algunos sectores de ideologias radicales, ya sean neonazis o redskins (sharps), los cuales protagonizaron un triste "accidente" este fin de semana en Madrid. No se cuales son las razones que dan derecho a matar, pero deben ser muy importantes, porque el que muere ya no vive nunca mas.

¿Merece la pena defender tan radicalmente algunos ideales? ¿Merece la pena defender según que ideales? ... La frase George Santayana la extraje de mi viaje a Polonia. Esta en la entrada del bloque 21 del campo de concentración de Auschwitz. No puedo llegar a imaginar lo que sucedió allí, pero con lo poco que llegué a ver, puedo asegurar que no hay razones para defender o idolotrar según que cosas.

दाविद पेरेज़

Thursday, November 08, 2007


"After being kidnapped and imprisoned for 15 years, Oh Dae-Su is released, only to find that he must find his captor in 5 days"

Thus begins Oldboy, a proof that not only American movies are deserved to be watched.

Directed by Chan-wook Park, an unknown director in Europe and USA, the film take us to a story where nothing is what it seems. When Dae-su is released from his prison, he begins a travel through his new life trying to discover why he was imprisoned, who was his captor and, most important, why they let him go free after 15 years. A mysterious story where the audience also get involved trying to solve the clues.

In my own opinion, the film makes me think, somehow, about Amelie. Although they are not linked in any apparent way, the movie has some "crazy" scenes where you can feel the same sense of humor, but it is a little bit more black in Oldboy.... - However, lot of people will disagree with me about that ;p. Anyway, I am sure they will agree more with me if I say that some scenes could be extracted from Quentin Tarantino's movie. If you watch the movie, you will understand why I say all of that, jeje.

It is very important to stand out the excellent Original Sound Track of the film, you can find an example in my "Kiops Mp3Player", some philosophic phrases that I detail below and some extra surprises ;D.

As I used to say,... ENJOY IT.
  • "Be it a grain of sand or rock, in water they sink as the same." 1:22
    "Sea un grano de arena o una piedra, en el agua se hunden igual."
  • "If you are alone, you see ants."
    "Cuando uno esta solo, ve hormigas."
  • "Ants move around in groups. So I guess that's why very lonely people keep thinking about ants."
    "Las hormigas se mueven en grupo, asi que imagino que las personas que estan muy solas, siempre ven muchas hormigas"
  • "Laugh, and the world laughs with you. Cry, and you cry alone."
    "Rie, y el mundo reira contigo, llora, y lloraras solo."
  • "Like a gazelle from the hand of the hunter. Like a bird from the snare of the fowler. Free yourself. " 1:22
    "Como gacela de la mano del cazador, y como ave de la mano del que tiende trampas, ESCAPATE"
  • "You can't find the right answers if you ask the wrong questions." 1:31
    "Uno no puede hallar la respuesta correcta, si formula una pregunta incorrecta"

  • "Even though I'm worse than even a beast. Don't I have the right to live?" 1:47
    "Aunque no soy mas que una bestia, ¿no tengo derecho a vivir?"

दाविद पेरेज़

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

What does the song "Gabriel" by Lamb really mean?

"Gabriel", clear or hide meaning?

I have this song since late 2005 and I never really "listen" it carefully since today. I had the "I can fly, but I want his wings" stuck in my mind but never go farder...

So, today I realized that it talks about Gabriel, angel Gabriel, the one who made the announcement of Jesus' birth to Mary:

“Don’t be scared, Mary,” said Gabriel. “God has wonderfully blessed you. You will give
birth to a baby boy. You will name him Jesus. He shall be called the Son of God.
God will give him the throne of David and his Kingdom will never end!”
Based on Luke 1:26-56

Thus, he became one of God's chief messenger, who is also referred to as the "Left Hand of God and the embodiment of the Holy Spirit". See Gabriel's reference in wikipedia for more information.

Take a breath,... beautiful song, right? Listen it again, carefully, and let the wonderful music take you far away, you will feel something else... emotions.

Yes, she is happy, she can fly, she can even shine in the darkness, but she will never be complete, and is not for the angel.... She is in love. Gabriel, her true love, she needs him and she will never be as happy as she would be with him. She can love, but she needs his heart. She craves the light that he brings. Her angel Gabriel...

Listen again the song... or even read the lyrics. You will feel even more things. I have read some opinions in forums, and I have realized that the song can bring you positive or negative emotions according your current situation. Those who have found their true love would agree about they can not live without the other,... those who have been rejected for someone who love would agree that they can love someone else, but not as much as the other, "I need his heart". I think very few songs can do that... I mean, to transmit positive or negative meaning (not feeling) according to your sentimental situation.

A lot of people used to sing this song to their lovers, replacing "Gabriel" with the correct name. Beautiful way to say you are essential for me.

Anyway,... love stuff :P.

दाविद पेरेज़

Friday, October 19, 2007


Hi everybody, Hi you.

Look the title of the post,... that's how did I feel when I was with you. I felt alive, I enjoyed life so much that I remember those days like ones of my best. But sometimes life is not like we want. For this reason, I want to tell you this:

"Don't cry because it's over, Smile because it happened"

Read carefully the sentence. I think is quite important lately.

I'm very sorry to have hurt you , I'm glad to have made you happy. You will never be alone. You will always have a piece of my heart. Relationships don't always succeed, friendships sometimes change, but I want you to know... no matter what else happens to us, if you need to be listened, if you need a friend, if you need somebody to trust, if you need a hug... I will always be here for you.

Smile Chloé, Smile!

दाविद पेरेज़

Thursday, October 11, 2007

When Radio gets interactive, Part II

"What a coincidence!!!", by my friends on 11th November 2007. :P

haha, just a few hours after my post about Musicovery, they released a new full version of the application, not longer Beta. Now also in portuguese and spanish and with a new funcionality; a "Me Label" option where you can listen your favourite styles of music. Now, while you are listening a song, you are able to mark the song as favourite or just ban it. According to these decisions, the application makes a profile about your preferences and show only the songs susceptible to please you. You can always check your history of songs and modify it as well as add or remove songs from the "favourite" and "excluded" lists.

Don't forget that you can still choose music by the other two labels; mood and dance.

As I said, a GREAT webRadio! ;)

दविड़ पेरेज़

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

When Radio gets interactive

A friend sent me a link today about a radio, and on-line radio. At first, I didn't expect to find anything interesting there but as soon as I saw the first page, I got astonished!

Musicovery is a project, Visually Impressive, that compiles music of all genres. It is still a beta version but already a good one. You can choose music according to your mood, energy, rhythm, tempo, hits, no hits, or discovery new music, different genres, different years and so on. A full bunch of possibilities that allow you to enjoy good music (the music that you prefer) while you are working, playing, chatting, or whatever you want. A web site that deserve to be in our Bookmarks.

Check it out: MUSICOVERY, discover and enjoy it ;)

दविड़ पेरेज़

Monday, October 08, 2007

Another Piano-Fantastic Song

Here we go again,...

Afortunatly, more beautiful songs emerge on earth from the mind of genious!!! The fact is, think about it,.... what would we do without music?

This one is not as "anonymous" and good as the Sioen's one I posted few months ago but it's good enough to be posted as well (at least, part of it).

I'm sure you will recognize it immediatly since Levi's chose this song for its World New Commercial. Enjoy it ;)

Once I had a strange love,
a mad sort of insane love,
a love so fast and fierce I thought i’d die

yes once I had a strange love,
a pure but very pained love,
a love that burned like fire through a field

And, Once I had a strange love
a public acclaimed love,
the kind of love that’s seen in magazines.

And then there was that strange love
that vulgar and profane love,
the kind of love that we don’t talk about

You see i’ve had some strange love,
some good, some bad, some plain love,
some so-so love, and c’est la vie…

but just let me proclaim that, out of all the strange love you’re the strangest love I’ve ever known….

“Strange Love”, by Little Annie Bandez.

Check the video too:

दविड़ पेरेज़

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Where "Come to the dark side, we have cookies" comes from?

I have been spending too much time lately on internet, just reading site by site, without any goal, just clicking in each link that was under the mouse's pointer.... and after some time I found a "strange" thing. It was a popular (sub-culture) sentence that you could find all around internet. I realize that a lot of people use it, even earn money with it, or they just use it for the title of their website or blog. Even as a tag of a nick name in forums, and it surprised me because it was popularly used and I didn't know where it came from.
So, as Morpheo said in the 'Matrix' "You feel something strange but you don't know what is it", I felt the same about this sentence; "Come to the dark side, we have cookies". What is it? Why is it soooo famous? Where does it come from? Why people sell t-shirts with this sentence (another site)? Why there are icons, pictures, cups, etc about it? and Why it looks sooo comercial, so funny, sooo interesting,... it is totally a catch phrase. For all of these, I began to investigate...

Of course, when you hear "Come to the dark side..." the first thing that come to our mind is Star Wars so I decided to begin in this point. "Come to the dark side..." makes sense. Darth Vader told it to Luke Skywalker.... And we all know how did the story end. In fact, in order to be more precise, almost to a freaky-star-wars level, Darth Vader said as follows: "Come to the dark side,... together we will rule the galaxy". wowww, a tasty proposal, difficult to reject,... but luckly (or not) Luke didn't accept.
Today, I wander what would had happened if Darth Vader would had said: "Come to the dark side, we have cookies". Maybe Luke would had answered "YES" without any doubt and I would had found finally the origin of the sentence. But this is not the case... Triste

Some people in internet assure that the origin of the sentence is from a famous rock song, however anybody remember the name of the band or the title of the song, and others assure that the sentence was taken from a book, an unknown Lovecraft's book probably, but I wouldn't bet hard for it, although you can always find very interesting and impressive phrases in books...

Of course, you can always find the "silly" answers which I didn't take into account (which it doesn't mean they could not be the real origin of the sentence)... Inside this group you can find Harry Potter and Stargate stuff,... I don't think they are serious answers of the question because the sentence looks much older than these stuff (according the time it looks have been used since). So if the sentence appears in harry potter or Stargate is because they take it from somewhere else...

The sentence has not copyright, so the possibilities of an advertisement sentence didn't convince me either. So, I found myself at the starting point again. Star Wars looked the most likely origin of the sentence, but in fact IT WAS NOT. Maybe it began there, in Star Wars, and then somebody added "we have cookies", but... who? Who raised the sentence at the level of the "stars"...


Of course if anybody know the answer of the question, I cheer him/her up to send a comment and bring some light on this mystery. I would appreciate it a lot Sonrisa.

My own opinion, after all the time spent on it Confundido, is that maybe the idea was in fact taken from somewhere else (probably a movie, probably Star Wars) and it just grew up in the urban culture, mouth to mouth, because it was fresh, it was funny, it was a catch phrase. Is like those kind of things that a friend explain you and in a bit, without to be aware of it, you are explaining it to somebody else, or just using it in any other place. Thus, it has become a popular sentence around all the world, used in every single object, made FAMOUS by all US, moreover in internet, where the impressive and powerful sentences to call the attention of everybody are very well appreciated (and not only in advertisement or business but in applications and services as Messenger, sites or forums as well).